Hockey in Phoenix – Well, It’s Cheap by: "The Prof"
Perhaps I am being a bit cheeky, but I support hockey in Phoenix because I can see the Oilers play easier and almost as cheaply as I can in Edmonton. Last year, “center” ice down low tickets in Rexall Place cost $224 per seat. And many of these are not really “center” ice – they go far past the neutral zone, well into each offensive/defensive end. That is $450 for you and your wife – not counting parking or baby sitting. Say you want some food – and the cost would be up to just under $500 – if you don’t splurge on your meal. OK, by the time you leave home to return home from that game, you have spent – say - $510.00.
Now, say you want to watch the Oilers play in Phoenix. Similar tickets could be had last year for $25 US – say $30 Canadian or $60 for two tickets. And this included food! You leave your house in Edmonton, drive to the airport - $10 gas return. You park for 2 days in Park N’Fly - $20. You booked early and your Westjet ticket costs you $93 plus tax – say $135 – each way, or $270.00 – or $540 for two. We are talking $630 for two for the entire trip.
Oh, and if you add a place to stay for say two nights in Phoenix – at $200. And ground transportation – car rental for $20 per day – use Priceline. That is $850 for a three-day vacation in Arizona – including a great Oiler game.
Not to mention the +25 C warm weather in January or February. So, do I support hockey in Phoenix – you bet!
What do you think? Should fans support a team in a market that doesn't seem to be able to support it?
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